
A PIC or CIC code is a 4-digit prefix that identifies a long distance carrier in North America or the Caribbean to a LEC. The LEC uses the code to properly route the call.


Many PIC and CIC codes can be manually dialed before placing a long distance call by dialing 101 followed by the PIC/CIC code. This forces your call to be carried by that PIC/CIC code's carrier instead of your normal long distance carrier.

Browse by Company Name: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  PIC/CIC Company Name City State Country
0468 XO Communications, Inc. USA
0897 XO Communications, Inc. USA
0909 XO Pennsylvania, Inc. USA
0924 Xtel Communications, Inc. Marlton NJ USA
5062 XCOM Technologies (Level 3) Littleton CO USA
5119 XO Communications, Inc. USA
5607 XO Communications, Inc. USA
6520 X5, LLC --- -- USA
6942 XIT Communications Dalhart TX USA
6948 XIT Communications Dalhart TX USA
9241 XChange Telecom Corp. Brooklyn NY USA